details: 'angry nelf loser masses towers'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
NightElfGonnaTKthenAFK (pink | 45 APM | 1036 actions | 23:14)
Hero icon 1 Warden
Ability icon 1 Fan of Knives

» actions
Build / train125
Enter build submenu118
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Right click294
Select / deselect315
Use ability183
1036 total
» units
Wind Rider1
122 total
» upgrades
Spiked Barricades1
1 total
» buildings
Moon Well2
Hunter's Hall2
Ancient Protector106
Altar of Elders1
Tree of Life1
112 total
» build order
00:18 Moon Well
00:41 Hunter's Hall
02:05 Ancient Protector
02:07 Ancient Protector
02:27 Ancient Protector
02:45 Altar of Elders
02:59 Moon Well
05:38 Tree of Life
05:50 Ancient Protector
05:51 Ancient Protector
05:53 Ancient Protector
06:02 Ancient Protector
06:04 Ancient Protector
06:06 Ancient Protector
06:15 Ancient Protector
06:22 Ancient Protector
06:44 Ancient Protector
06:50 Ancient Protector
06:55 Ancient Protector
07:05 Ancient Protector
08:05 Ancient Protector
08:33 Ancient Protector
09:09 Ancient Protector
09:11 Ancient Protector
09:29 Ancient Protector
09:30 Ancient Protector
09:32 Ancient Protector
09:34 Ancient Protector
09:37 Ancient Protector
09:43 Ancient Protector
09:48 Ancient Protector
10:31 Ancient Protector
10:33 Ancient Protector
10:35 Ancient Protector
10:48 Ancient Protector
10:52 Ancient Protector
10:54 Ancient Protector
10:59 Ancient Protector
11:00 Ancient Protector
11:03 Ancient Protector
11:05 Ancient Protector
11:07 Ancient Protector
11:27 Ancient Protector
11:34 Ancient Protector
11:36 Ancient Protector
11:38 Ancient Protector
12:00 Ancient Protector
12:01 Ancient Protector
12:06 Ancient Protector
12:11 Ancient Protector
12:19 Ancient Protector
12:38 Ancient Protector
12:39 Ancient Protector
12:40 Ancient Protector
12:54 Ancient Protector
12:59 Ancient Protector
13:08 Ancient Protector
14:08 Ancient Protector
14:11 Ancient Protector
14:16 Ancient Protector
14:17 Ancient Protector
14:27 Ancient Protector
14:28 Ancient Protector
14:36 Ancient Protector
15:01 Ancient Protector
15:02 Ancient Protector
15:04 Ancient Protector
15:13 Ancient Protector
15:19 Ancient Protector
15:21 Ancient Protector
15:32 Ancient Protector
16:21 Ancient Protector
16:23 Ancient Protector
16:56 Ancient Protector
16:59 Ancient Protector
17:03 Ancient Protector
17:08 Ancient Protector
17:10 Ancient Protector
17:29 Ancient Protector
17:44 Ancient Protector
19:35 Ancient Protector
19:37 Ancient Protector
19:38 Ancient Protector
19:42 Ancient Protector
19:44 Ancient Protector
19:45 Ancient Protector
19:47 Ancient Protector
19:48 Ancient Protector
19:50 Ancient Protector
19:52 Ancient Protector
19:55 Ancient Protector
20:32 Ancient Protector
20:33 Ancient Protector
21:14 Ancient Protector
21:14 Ancient Protector
21:15 Ancient Protector
21:16 Ancient Protector
21:17 Ancient Protector
21:21 Ancient Protector
21:24 Ancient Protector
21:27 Ancient Protector
21:28 Ancient Protector
21:44 Ancient Protector
21:47 Ancient Protector
22:00 Ancient Protector
22:04 Ancient Protector
22:24 Ancient Protector
22:25 Ancient Protector
22:25 Ancient Protector
22:26 Ancient Protector
22:57 Hunter's Hall
Random» Orcdank_frank (green | 23 APM | 398 actions | 17:08)
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike

» actions
Build / train41
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue3
Right click151
Select / deselect134
Use ability44
398 total
» units
Wind Rider13
29 total
» upgrades
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower5
Chimaera Roost2
Ancient of Wind1
Moon Well1
22 total
» build order
00:16 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:49 War Mill
01:06 Voodoo Lounge
01:32 Orc Burrow
02:24 Watch Tower
02:30 Watch Tower
03:05 Watch Tower
03:41 Watch Tower
04:51 Stronghold
04:58 Watch Tower
06:20 Orc Burrow
07:29 Beastiary
07:33 Orc Burrow
07:37 Beastiary
09:16 Orc Burrow
09:17 Orc Burrow
10:01 Chimaera Roost
10:13 Chimaera Roost
10:35 Orc Burrow
11:56 Ancient of Wind
12:00 Moon Well
» items
Healing Salve1
1 total
NightElfits_hypnotic (teal | 33 APM | 266 actions | 08:08)
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Immolation

» actions
Basic commands2
Build / train25
Enter build submenu17
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click78
Select / deselect110
Use ability32
266 total
» units
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well4
Ancient of War1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of Wonders1
Ancient Protector3
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life1
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind3
17 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Elders
00:47 Moon Well
00:51 Ancient of War
01:48 Moon Well
02:17 Hunter's Hall
02:48 Moon Well
03:00 Ancient of Wonders
03:24 Ancient Protector
03:40 Tree of Ages
03:44 Moon Well
06:07 Tree of Life
06:19 Tree of Eternity
06:23 Ancient of Wind
06:28 Ancient of Wind
06:34 Ancient of Wind
06:57 Ancient Protector
06:57 Ancient Protector
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion1
2 total
Random» UndeadDreamlo (purple | 91 APM | 1568 actions | 17:12)
Hero icon 3 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 1 Dreadlord
Ability icon 1 Sleep
Hero icon 1 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn

» actions
Assign group hotkey11
Basic commands41
Build / train117
ESC pressed7
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue6
Right click853
Select / deselect276
Select group hotkey174
Use ability59
1568 total
» units
Crypt Fiend18
56 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack1
Improved Bows1
Druid of the Talon Training3
Unholy Armor3
Skeletal Mastery1
Skeletal Longevity1
Strength of the Wild1
Disease Cloud1
Necromancer Training2
Corrosive Breath1
17 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower3
Spirit Tower2
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel2
Temple of the Damned2
Ancient of Wind1
23 total
» build order
00:25 Crypt
00:32 Graveyard
00:35 Graveyard
00:56 Ziggurat
01:04 Altar of Darkness
01:42 Ziggurat
01:51 Tomb of Relics
02:43 Nerubian Tower
02:44 Nerubian Tower
04:06 Spirit Tower
04:24 Ziggurat
05:18 Halls of the Dead
07:17 Spirit Tower
07:55 Black Citadel
07:58 Slaughterhouse
09:47 Ziggurat
09:50 Ziggurat
10:25 Slaughterhouse
10:29 Temple of the Damned
10:33 Temple of the Damned
12:21 Ancient of Wind
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Dust of Appearance2
Scroll of Town Portal2
Potion of Healing2
9 total
team 2
OrcHEILHITL1ER (yellow | 93 APM | 2161 actions | 23:16)
Hero icon 8 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 1 Mirror Image

» actions
Assign group hotkey91
Basic commands45
Build / train117
ESC pressed8
Enter build submenu40
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item1
Right click949
Select / deselect362
Select group hotkey395
Use ability143
2161 total
» units
Goblin Shredder4
Troll Headhunter/Berserker5
Troll Batrider9
Kodo Beast1
64 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons1
Berserker Strength1
Ranged Weapons4
Reinforced Defenses1
Berserker Upgrade1
Liquid Fire1
Envenomed Spears1
Troll Regeneration1
Burning Oil1
War Drums Damage Increase1
Spiked Barricades1
20 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Great Hall1
Watch Tower13
38 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Storms
00:13 Orc Burrow
00:42 Barracks
01:26 Orc Burrow
02:31 Voodoo Lounge
03:13 Orc Burrow
05:22 Orc Burrow
06:12 War Mill
06:43 Great Hall
07:42 Watch Tower
07:57 Stronghold
07:57 Stronghold
08:43 Watch Tower
08:51 Watch Tower
09:24 Watch Tower
09:58 Watch Tower
10:22 Beastiary
10:26 Beastiary
11:38 Fortress
11:39 Fortress
11:41 Beastiary
11:53 Watch Tower
11:59 Watch Tower
12:02 Watch Tower
12:05 Watch Tower
12:07 Watch Tower
12:10 Watch Tower
13:51 Watch Tower
13:53 Watch Tower
17:45 Barracks
17:45 Barracks
17:46 Barracks
17:48 Barracks
18:13 Orc Burrow
18:16 Orc Burrow
18:17 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve4
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Lightning2
9 total
Random» UndeadEvolutionIX (red | 26 APM | 593 actions | 23:15)
Hero icon 6 Dreadlord
Ability icon 3 Vampiric Aura
Ability icon 2 Carrion Swarm
Ability icon 1 Inferno
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Death Pact

» actions
Assign group hotkey21
Build / train83
Enter build submenu18
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Right click218
Select / deselect113
Select group hotkey87
Use ability42
593 total
» units
Crypt Fiend19
Frost Wyrm15
58 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Unholy Strength1
Freezing Breath1
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Nerubian Tower3
Sacrificial Pit1
19 total
» build order
00:08 Ziggurat
00:13 Altar of Darkness
00:30 Ziggurat
01:04 Graveyard
01:48 Crypt
01:57 Ziggurat
03:42 Tomb of Relics
04:54 Halls of the Dead
07:51 Black Citadel
08:28 Nerubian Tower
08:33 Ziggurat
08:34 Nerubian Tower
08:35 Nerubian Tower
08:39 Ziggurat
10:19 Sacrificial Pit
11:46 Boneyard
17:19 Ziggurat
18:20 Ziggurat
21:04 Ziggurat
OrcHaWtCchiQenZ (orange | 61 APM | 1415 actions | 23:15)
Hero icon 5 Far Seer
Ability icon 3 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 2 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 4 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 2 Hex

» actions
Assign group hotkey99
Basic commands128
Build / train70
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Remove unit from queue2
Right click548
Select / deselect341
Select group hotkey136
Use ability63
1415 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker17
Troll Witch Doctor4
42 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Troll Regeneration1
Berserker Upgrade1
Witch Doctor Training2
Spiked Barricades1
Burning Oil1
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow8
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower5
Great Hall1
Spirit Lodge1
22 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Storms
00:14 Orc Burrow
00:50 Orc Burrow
01:37 War Mill
02:12 Barracks
02:38 Barracks
02:46 Voodoo Lounge
03:42 Orc Burrow
04:21 Watch Tower
05:36 Stronghold
07:44 Great Hall
08:05 Fortress
08:12 Orc Burrow
09:52 Watch Tower
10:05 Orc Burrow
10:26 Watch Tower
11:20 Spirit Lodge
11:54 Watch Tower
11:55 Watch Tower
16:38 Orc Burrow
16:39 Orc Burrow
19:36 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
1 total
Orclilweeziana (blue | 40 APM | 935 actions | 23:15)
Hero icon 6 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey61
Basic commands6
Build / train59
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Remove unit from queue2
Right click388
Select / deselect205
Select group hotkey110
Use ability74
935 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor4
36 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons2
Witch Doctor Training2
Shaman Training2
Envenomed Spears1
Burning Oil1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Spirit Lodge2
Great Hall2
Tauren Totem1
20 total
» build order
00:07 Barracks
00:13 Altar of Storms
00:25 Orc Burrow
01:25 Barracks
01:56 Orc Burrow
03:02 Orc Burrow
04:32 Stronghold
05:19 Voodoo Lounge
05:27 Orc Burrow
05:40 War Mill
07:28 Fortress
07:32 Beastiary
07:48 Beastiary
07:56 Spirit Lodge
08:01 Spirit Lodge
08:22 Great Hall
09:55 Tauren Totem
16:37 Great Hall
18:23 Orc Burrow
19:19 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
Potion of Healing1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
3 total

Chat log

(00:03 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: beserker doc
(00:31 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Look to the Führer and shout SIEG HEIL!
(00:48 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: What a Fuher?
(01:06 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: What does hitler mean?
(01:12 / All) HEILHITL1ER: A Führer is the leader of the Glorious Third Reich!
(01:12 / Allies) lilweeziana: adolf
(01:26 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: Reich?
(01:35 / All) HEILHITL1ER: It is German for Kingdom!
(01:40 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: loll
(01:42 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: i think its funny
(01:44 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: but makes me sad i luagh
(01:45 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: Kingdom?
(01:56 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: when like my whole moms sideo f her family was cutoff from genecide of jews
(01:57 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Yes, my dear! The Glorious Nazi Kingdom!
(02:01 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: lol humans.

(05:49 / Allies) EvolutionIX: green is techer
(05:59 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lets hit something then
(06:03 / Allies) EvolutionIX: so is pink
(06:05 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: also means we are safe to expo
(06:06 / Allies) EvolutionIX: we need to attack
(06:17 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: expoing here
(06:19 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: and towering this whole half
(06:20 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: i think
(06:22 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: since beserk are cheap
(06:39 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lets force tp
(06:40 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: waste some gold
(06:49 / Allies) lilweeziana: red
(06:49 / Allies) lilweeziana: go down
(07:09 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: no cancel, teal sucks
(07:14 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Die, Jewish night elf scum!
(07:15 / Allies) lilweeziana: b
(07:18 / All) HEILHITL1ER: To the camps with you!
(07:22 / Allies) lilweeziana: red b
(07:31 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: lol he called you a camper
(07:39 / All) HaWtCchiQenZ: wtf
(08:01 / All) its_hypnotic: my team suck
(08:04 / All) its_hypnotic: sucks
(08:13 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: No no no
(08:17 / All) HEILHITL1ER: ne straight tech whining at allies
(08:18 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: I kill the bus driver
(08:19 / All) HEILHITL1ER: must be aj ew
(08:41 / Allies) lilweeziana: red
(08:43 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: Yellow do you like niggers? I hate niggers
(08:46 / Allies) lilweeziana: we can kill purple
(08:48 / All) HEILHITL1ER: I hate niggers
(08:53 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: Thank god
(08:57 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Hang niggers and gas Jews

(11:32 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: flanking danigs
(11:38 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: nvm
(12:14 / Allies) lilweeziana: we need aa
(12:23 / Allies) lilweeziana: red mass spideys
(12:24 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: making bats and hhs
(13:01 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: its the hero focus
(13:01 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: so fast
(13:04 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: my units rape his

(14:17 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Out with you, jew!
(14:24 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: nvm
(14:26 / Allies) lilweeziana: red let's go
(14:33 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: we all tehre

(15:39 / Allies) lilweeziana: re db
(15:45 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: teal
(15:46 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: no towers
(15:49 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: and we acn finish him so he stops chimes
(16:17 / All) lilweeziana: pink???
(16:19 / Allies) EvolutionIX: CHIM
(16:27 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: Yes? L:
(16:33 / All) lilweeziana: why?
(16:43 / All) GonnaTKthenAFK: idk I want oysters
(17:04 / All) Dreamlo: lol gg
(17:06 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Goodbye jews!
(17:13 / All) HEILHITL1ER: Mr. Hitler's Reich reigns #1!
(18:06 / All) EvolutionIX: leave its over ffs
(18:37 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: I shall mass demolishers to kill this Jew
(18:42 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: same
(18:47 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: it will be autshiwts
(18:50 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: or howeer u spell it
(18:54 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: yes it will
(18:57 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: auschwitz
(19:09 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: even though id prob knock ur skinny ass out in real life
(19:12 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: in video game u not bad
(19:19 / Allies) HEILHITL1ER: lol
(19:47 / Allies) lilweeziana: I'm building catapaults
(20:15 / All) EvolutionIX: leave douche-nipple
(20:52 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: massive army
(21:28 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: this is a site
(21:43 / All) lilweeziana: .....
(22:21 / Allies) lilweeziana: lmao
(22:22 / Allies) lilweeziana: my army died
(22:41 / Allies) lilweeziana: ...